A dynamic duo of brand experts specialized in brand strategy. 

Our background

Peter Kjellberg

+25y of international commercial roles as CEO, Business Area Manager and CMO.

Executed several awarded transformational brand journeys.

Executed successful IPOs, mergers, acquisitions, consolidations etc.

Chief Executive
Officer (CEO) 

Daimler AG
Marketing Director 

Business Area Manager
& Chief Marketing Officer

Global Marketing Director 

Thule Group
Senior Vice President 

Marketing and Product 

Åsa Bringholm 

+20y as Brand consultant at renowned brand agencies in the Nordics and internationally.

Experienced Process Leader and Brand Strategist.

Executed more than 50 transformational brand journeys over the years.

Kurppa Hosk
Senior Brand Strategist

Identity Works
Senior Account Director

Happy Forsman & Bodenfors
Strategic Account Director 
and Brand Strategist

Arkitektur, Reklam, Design Account Director

Grow Partners
Strategic Account

Business Development 

We grow our clients' businesses by challenging the status quo, exploring new growth territories and developing new directions

Typical problems we solve

“Our brand architecture is unstructured.”

“How can we be
 more relevant in
 the market?”

“Our brand needs to be rejuvenated”

“How can we  
 ourselves better?”

“We need to consolidate our brands”

“We need to accelerate our growth.”

“We need an additional brand.”

“We need to secure the brand implementation."


Extensive experience in creating, repositioning and evolving brands

We have taken part in many successful brand transformations in a variety of industries. The number of brand journeys we have been through are extensive. We have experience both from the inside of an executive team driving a change agenda, and as brand consultants coming in with the expertise of how to execute a brand transformation process. 

What we stand for — our core values 


We have managed a vast number of brand transformations in a variety of industries. Our experience spans from the inside of executive teams at large international companies to the creative rooms at some of the most renowned brand agencies. But experience isn’t everything. To become an expert and stay relevant, continuous development is what we strive for. Both for ourselves and for our clients.

We are highly skilled experts in our field, with a strive to always perform and deliver with excellence. To us, excellence means being the top candidate for clients considering a strategic brand advisor. Excellence is also assuring our customers that they have made the right choice.



No strategy is better than its execution. We are pragmatic and deliver realistic solutions with an impact. We know how to steer and set up the right internal processes to be able succeed with a brand transformation. Brand development is not a project, it’s a process. A process that requires training, coaching, systems and tools, measurement, and management focus.

As a team we are characterized by energetic dynamism. We are curious and dives into every task with great intensity and dedication. We want to challenge our clients to be brave and dare to use the power of brand building to increase the success of their business.

